Friday, July 23, 2010

55-Memory of snake

I have no eyes, no limb; but a good memory.
This man had beaten me underneath his bed. Thrown me out mistaking my death!.
I am waiting to give a kiss ,
Here at the way, he walk everyday.
Here he comes, my sense alerts,
And here I goes to wish him death,...

This is my first friday flash 55 attempt.Hope you find it interesting :) .
This weekly meme is brought to you by G-Man, over at
Mr. Know it All. The object is to write a story or prose in exactly 55 words.


  1. Very nice. Payback is a ... well, you know.

    I’m up here.

  2. ooo that one slithers. Glad you came to share your talent on G-mans 55. If you are looking for other outlets to write ck out we do a Wednesday thing

    Not trying to steal G's thunder

  3. ooo ahunted by a snake not quite dead...nothing quite so scary as what lays in wait to get its revenge...tight 55!

    mine is up!

  4. *Shiver* Never leave a snake half-dead.

    My 55 is here.

  5. Big mistake there! Payback time and I'm sure
    the slithery creature won't leave his victim
    half dead!

  6. I hate snakes. But liked your 55! Mine is here.

  7. Wow. Karma's a bitch! Very clever 55!

  8. Very creepy and that's a great thing in a post about a half dead snake.

  9. a very clear picture, you start out almost as a riddle, I'm thinking....what is the metaphor?
    and you did a great job of getting into the snake's point of view. 55 words lets you find out how many we really don't need. Thanks for reading my 55. It was about people who keep their world clean and new looking, but never really enjoy using anything as the result.
    good 1st 55!

  10. First timer as well?
    Most excellent 55 My Friend.
    I hope you found this challenging, creative, and fun. Please join us agin next week.
    Have a Kick Ass Week-End...G

  11. Excellent first 55! I'll remember never to cross a snake. LOL
